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Instant Confidence IS possible!
Get your FREE Confidence Converter 

It’s time to uncover (and overcome) your confidence issues with Lizi's courses, programmes and in-person support - so you can finally get out of your own way.

What will your life look like when you truly believe in yourself?

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Going all in...

As business owners we’re constantly told to “show up and be seen”... but what if the thought of “showing up” makes you want to hide under a blanket in a dark room with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s (or something considerably stronger?) 


If this sounds familiar it’s time to ask yourself some uncomfortable questions:

What’s stopping you fully stepping up and going all-in with your business?

Maybe it’s something obvious - a lack of specific training or the need for some kind of equipment - an easy win you can throw some money at and you’ll be soaring the dizzy heights of business success in no time…..


But what if something else is holding you back and preventing you reaching your full potential….?


but you have zero clue why - or what to do about it?


Perhaps you’ve spent more than you care to admit on business coaches, but you still don’t know exactly HOW to “show up” for your business without making yourself cringe?


That’s where Lizi come in, so keep reading!

Goin all in

“I started seeing Lizi a few months ago after battling most of my life with very little confidence, low self esteem and no self worth. With Lizi’s help, kindness, patience and a lot of hard work, she’s helping me to overcome these issues and the best thing is, not only am I seeing the changes in myself, my family and friends are seeing them too.”

Karen W               


Lizi Jackson-Barrett, confidence expert, author, TEDx speaker and
Harry Potter obsessive!

Lizi helps women in business laugh in the face of self-doubt, so they can achieve unfathomable goals and take back control of whatever’s been holding them back.


With over 20 years’ experience teaching and coaching and featured in more magazines than can be listed without losing your attention (BBC, ITV, Psychologies and Marie Claire to name-drop a few), Lizis unique style of coaching balances no-nonsense straight-talking with encouragement and accountability. 


She's incredibly proud of her ability to not only inspire confidence but to actually galvanise women into action by implementing what they’ve learned - with outstanding results.


“Lizi was the perfect guest expert for my recent online retreat, Rebalance. She really didn’t disappoint! Lizi talked so openly and honestly about her life and the ladies who attended were captivated by her beautiful, open approach and inspired by her journey. She shared practical, impactful and easy to implement tips alongside hard hitting stories of her past.  I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her for your next event, I know that you’ll love her as much as we did.”

Helen Hopkins, The Balance Coach                   

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